A memoir is a safari back through time. Whether you write it or not, some part of your life deserves a memoir. Which years, which events were most meaningful for you?
It was easy for me to answer that question. I’d always wanted to write about my life-changing adventures in the 1960s in California. But when would I find the time?
I spent years getting my Ph.D., then went to Cambridge University in UK, where I met and married David. We then went to Africa, spending four years studying lions in the Serengeti ecosystem. More years followed doing scientific papers, research seminars and lecture tours, then back to Tanzania to do education projects. After two more decades living in a colorful, wild, fascinating rural village, we finally came to roost here in Arizona.
That’s a long road to a memoir. Once we had settled, I retrieved boxes of letters from my sister’s barn in California, gathered more letters and memories from friends, found notes and sketches I’d made back in the 60s. During the next 20 years I put all that together and got David to create the illustrations. Finally it’s written, published, available!
Now you can read about my life journey through the 1960s. That was the time that formed me and pointed me along the path towards all the other fun stuff. I’ve written my memoir with the aim that it will resonate with you, inspire you, cause you to remember your own life, maybe do your own memoir. If you’re young, get out of your comfort zone and try something different! That is what I want, so start now, read Feathered Canyons, think about life’s lessons – mine are summarized in a section at the end of the book.
Start writing about – or living – that special, memorable part of your life!